
Welcome. I’m Janicu (aka: Janice), and I’ve been reviewing since 2006, putting these reviews on my corner of the Internet since 2007.

I’ve loved to read for a long time. Like many other book nerds, I was the kid who often went to the library at lunch, read at the dinner table, sneaked a flashlight to bed, and had my mother nagging me to limit my reading (I still maintain that this was ridiculous, and will continue to do so forever).  Things haven’t changed much since then, except now there’s the Internet to connect to other readers all over the world and share a mutual love.  I created this site partially to keep track of what I’ve been reading, but also to open a discourse about books with other readers. Sometimes I rant, sometimes I rave, sometimes I enthuse about bookstores, or movies, or buying stuff online, but it’s all related to my love of stories.

Why do I call myself a Spec-fic Romantic?  Basically it’s because I like speculative fiction and if there’s a romantic element to it I’m happy.  Most of my reading fits into that category, although sometimes I’ll read a straight romance or a straight speculative fiction. Romance doesn’t necessarily need to be the focus – often I like a book better when it isn’t, but I do like a Happily Ever After or Happy For Now in some form even if it’s in a teeny weeny romantic subplot. If you have a book you’d like me to review, please check out my review policy here.

Advertising: Advertisements at the bottom of posts may occasionally appear – these are placed there by the WordPress.com, not me.

Links to Amazon, Powell’s and The Book Depository are referral links. Clicking helps feed the book addiction and pay for some of the costs of this site, but I do not write false positive reviews in order to get people to buy products. Click here for my full disclosure policy.

Where books reviewed come from: Unless I specify that I got a book from a publisher or author, I got the book myself (bought, borrowed, won). I will always disclose if someone sent me the book to review it.

Spec-fic romantic banner:  This website’s header was created by Marion B. (galaxyspeaking on tumblr, and mevelan on deviantart).

Comments: I like getting comments and discussing books, so if you’ve read a book and disagree or agree with my review, please feel free to comment. I know everyone approaches each book in their own way, and that’s something I think people should be respectful of. As long as there’s respect, all is good, but please do not comment just to spam my blog with links to products. Those comments I will delete.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Versatile blogger award goes to… Bibliophage’s Buffet? « Bibliophage's Buffet

  2. Pingback: Smugglivus 2011 Guest Blogger: Janice of Janicu’s Book Blog | The Book Smugglers

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