BBAW Day 1: Appreciate!

Day one of Book Blogger Appreciation Week is about other blogs you enjoy reading. This is a tough one because there are quite a few blogs that I follow faithfully. Quite a few. So to make things easier this year, I’m going to take a page from Angie’s book and highlight two blogs that I discovered this year.

The first blog I have to highlight is Bunbury in the Stacks. We just so happened to meet online and followed each other on twitter since we seem to have an overlap in bookish taste (especially with YA Fantasy), only to find out that we shared a mutual friend in real life (who couldn’t figure out how we knew each other when he saw us talking on twitter). We have since used this mutual friend as a book mule to pass books along (it is the source of much glee that there are book mules in my life). Heidi also writes the most excellent reviews with these perfect gems of insight that have me pausing and wishing I had thought of that when I run into them. You should check out her blog, and check out the guest post she did for Seven Days for Sevenwaters today, too (it is lovely and perfect).

This next blog is one I found through Bunbury, and that’s Books Take You Places (I think they were fellow students of the library arts and are in the same graduating class – but don’t quote me on that?). Alyssa is also a friend on twitter, and she strikes me as one of those people who is genuinely enthusiastic when she talks to you. You can tell. She writes thoughtful reviews (I am a fan of those) of YA where she discusses major elements of the story like character and plot, but most importantly she explains how they affected her. I can always tell from her review what her personal reaction was and I love that she doesn’t hold back on explaining her emotions when reading a book.

Go check these two out if you haven’t already. I don’t think they have nearly as many followers as they should!

9 thoughts on “BBAW Day 1: Appreciate!

  1. Thanks so much, Janice! I’m totally flattered. 🙂

    I didn’t even realize BBAW was coming up, but I was thinking about it yesterday and I know just what you mean. How the heck would I pick just 2-3 blogs to talk about when I follow so many fantastic ones? So I very much appreciate the mention.

    And yes, Alyssa and I went to grad school together which is how we met (she’s actually the reason I realized book blogging existed).

    Book mule drivers for life!

    • 🙂

      I know, BBAW feels like it snuck up on us this year. Maybe because it’s more low key without the awards (but I sort of like that). It was easy to choose you guys – I’ve definitely become a fan.

      That’s right!

    • I know, that Sevenwaters post kills me with how good it is.

      Yes, having a Book mule is a special thing. I treasure it. 😉

      Alyssa writes some great reviews, I really enjoy them!

  2. Thank you so much! This seriously made my whole day (month, year?)

    I realized BBAW was happening the day before it happened and it was just too much! I really wish I could have participated!

    I really do get very emotional when discussing books! I try so hard to get my “voice” on the paper (screen?) because those are the kinds of reviews I enjoy reading!!

    Heidi and I were in many graduate classes together (online!!) and now we are dear friends! ❤ Drexel!

    P.S. I totally appreciate you too :] thanks again!!

    • 🙂 You’re welcome!

      I don’t think you really need to do every day of it — you can jump in for a day or something and it would be fine, so there’s still time. Otherwise, it’s still fun to follow the links and find new blogs.

      Keep doing what you do there because when a reviewer gets too formal or doesn’t really tell me what THEY thought, I have a hard time deciding if it’s a book for me. I really like reading personal responses to a story.

      Ohhh. So I was close then. That’s pretty cool.

      Aw, thanks! 😀

  3. Pingback: One Year Blogoversary! « Books Take You Places

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