Humble ebook bundle, Cobweb Bride Kickstarter, Clockwork Heart Trilogy, and Readathon

OK, so I’ve seen some stuff online that has me excited and I wanted to talk about them ALL so this is a catch-all post to tell you about it.

For the next 13 days you can contribute whatever amount you want and get 6 DRM free ebooks by Cory Doctrow, Kelly Link, Mercedes Lackey, Lauren Beukes, and Paolo Bacigalupi. If you pay more than the average (currently $12.11), you will unlock 2 more books, by John Scalzi and Neil Gaiman. Your contribution will go to charity and these authors, and you can customize how it will be split up. Kinda cool, huh? Check it out at The Humble Bundle.

There’s a Kickstarter campaign right now for a book with a premise that sounds interesting. It’s “is a history-flavored fantasy novel with romantic elements of the Persephone myth”, and it has to do with Death stopping his work everywhere, and searching for his bride in an alternate Renaissance world.  This is a kickstarter by the author Vera Nazarian, who has published several books already, and was nominated for a Nebula Award twice. This campaign has 4 days to go and has made about half of its $5000 goal, so if interested, I say get on it sooner rather than later.

ETA: Here’s an excerpt of Cobweb Bride to get an idea of the writing.

I have Angie to thank for the heads up on this one.  I unreservedly LOVED Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliassotti and have been checking her blog periodically for news about the sequel (which I knew she had finished and was shopping around). Well, EDGE has picked up the trilogy! According to Pagliasotti’s website, “Clockwork Heart will be republished in March 2013, the second book in September 2013, and the third in March 2014″. I am so happy! I cannot WAIT.

The last news I have is about Dewey’s 24 hour readathon. It’s happening this weekend, October 13th, and I thought I would remind/tell people because I know people often want to do it but don’t realize what day it was until the day of. (Sorry for the 2 day notice.. ). I’m still debating if I will be able to join in on this one, but I recommend it. Lots of fun and an excuse to read all day. Sign up is here.

24-hour Readathon – progress post

I didn’t expect to be up that early today, but I kept waking up after 5am, so I started early with the readathon at 7:30 – I’ve read a few more chapters of I’ve Got Your Number by Sophia Kinsella so far.  It’s pretty funny, there was a scene that had me laughing out loud last night.

Anyway, this is going to be my official Readathon post which will get updated throughout the day. I expect to read a good chunk in the morning, but I have shopping plans with the sister and then work to do this weekend so I don’t expect to be reading all day. I feel pretty relaxed about this readathon – I have no real goals for it! 🙂


484 pgs read

9:00 am – I’ve read approx 80 pages in the last hour from I’ve Got Your Number by Sophia Kinsella. I’m starting Chapter 11 – people are running around and things are getting nailbiting!

i've got your number by sophie kinsella

11:00 am – Finished with I’ve Got Your Number. That was a good book, happy sigh ending. Peering around for food now – I had some oatmeal for breakfast but I’m feeling peckish. 174 pages added to the count for a total of 254.

1:30 pm   I took a bit of a break to eat half a pomelo and watch an episode of Friends. I just started Unearthly – about 37 pages in, but I don’t want to read the whole book today – I’d rather pace it so I can discuss with my readalong buddies. Total pages read = 291. The Husband is bringing me lunch from Panera soon and I will be going out with the sis after that.

unearthly by cynthia hand

6:30 pm – I’m back! I had lunch then went with my sister to Macy’s where she returned 5 pairs of shoes from 2 years ago and nearly killed me with her chuztpah. Then it was to Target where she looked at some earrings/necklace on clearance and nearly killed me with her indecisiveness (I made her buy the earrings). On the way home I had some nice tart frozen yogurt – quite refreshing in this hot day. Back to reading now, on page 70 of Unearthly. Total pages read  = 324.

9:30 pm – I read up to page 156 of Unearthly. I’m stopping there for today with that book, so I can pace it out for the readalong.  Moving on to another one soon. I TRIED to join in the Name that Book minichallenge but um.. yes, I fail – all the books I’ve guessed have already been guessed. Total pages read = 410.

11:30 pm – Read 22 pages of Attachments by Rainbow Rowell, but was getting very sleepy so I switched to my graphic novel, which was The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec and read 52 pages of that (and finished it off) – that one is the basis of this French movie I’m interested in seeing one day. Total pages read = 484

the extraordinary adventures of adele blanc-sec vol 1

midnight – I think I’m done! I have to wake up in 5 and a half hours, so it’s off to bed for me. 🙂

Are you participating in the readathon? If so, how is it going for you so far? If not, how’s your weekend so far?

24-hour readthon, April 21st, 2012

Another 6 months, another readathon. I was debating whether I was really going to do this, but I haven’t missed one in a while, so even if I’m only going to read for a bit (and my max stay up time is 2am, because I can’t do all-nighters), I always have fun. These are my possible reads. This readathon will be all about the library books:

the extraordinary adventures of adele blanc-sec vol 1unearthly by cynthia handUnearthly is the next pick for my readalong group (man, we’re doing these readathons on a regular basis now — I love it).

And then I have a couple of books on my Netgalley pile:

Seraphina by Rachel Hartmanunspoken by sarah rees brennanThen there is of course, the huge, huge, huge, TBR pile with plenty of books I could be reading.

Readathon Progress Post

This post is going to get updated all day, so check back here if you are interested in seeing how I fare throughout today’s Readathon. I’ll also be on twitter as @janicu.

673 pages read

8:00 am (Hour 0) – I am going to start off with Ben Loory’s Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day. I read until page 129 last night. This is a series of very short short stories which are a mix of the slightly horrific (because they end in a uncertain, but ominous way), or sweet, or just strange. I have hit a pocket of the stranger ones. And I have my coffee. Not really awake yet.

Introduction Meme
1)Where are you reading from today? Westchester County, NY
2)Three random facts about me…

  • Since about 3 years ago, I watch the Tour de France every year because my husband is big into cycling (he’s working on his bike as we speak). My favorite cyclists are Thor Hushovd, Fabian Cancellara, and Jens Voight.
  • I’ve never eaten a Twinkie. They look really unappealing. *makes face*.
  • I first read Jane Austen after overhearing my (female) English teacher arguing  with my other (male) English teacher whether Austen was a great writer or not. I had to read this Austen myself and decide. Spoiler: Jane Austen is awesome, I don’t understand how Mr. Adams could say she isn’t!

3)How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? A couple. I have a big TBR and the plan is to just stare at it and let my choice come to me.
4)Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? Nope, winging it as usual.
5)If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time? Take plenty of breaks and go outside at least once today. It will refresh you.

9:00 am (Hour 1) – now on page 170, but I really didn’t start reading till 8:45 since I was pottering with the blog and checking the readathon website. See how fast a read this is? Crazy fast.

11:00 am (Hour 3) – Finished Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day (last page – pg 210), spent some time figuring out what to read next and settled on A Kiss In Time by Alex Flinn, which is a Sleeping Beauty retelling. I’m on page 66 of that. So in the past 2 hours I read 106 pages. Brings the running total up to 147.  Also – I took a break for food (2 samosas), but I think I’m still hungry. 🙂

1:00pm (Hour 5) – On page 212 of A Kiss In Time. Took a shower, and now in another pajama & T-shirt (Thundercats, FYI) outfit. And the awesome husband is bringing me food! A Kiss In Time is getting more interesting now that the story is past the set up stage and into the main characters spending time with one another. Running total this readathon is now @ 293 pages.

4:00pm (Hour 8 ) – Took an hour off for lunch. And just finished A Kiss in Time. Running total is now @ 453 pages.

7:00pm (Hour 11) – I have been taking a break for a bit – checking mail, doing dishes, eating dinner. So in the past three hours, I’ve started a new book but only gotten 50 pages into it. It’s straight fantasy but pretty fast moving.

9:00pm (Hour 13) – So I sort of spent more time reading Sword of Fire and Sea by Erin Hoffman, but my reading speed has sloooowwwed.  On page 88. So 30 pages in 2 hours. I don’t think it’s because I’m tired (I am a little, but not that much), but because this book has a smaller font, bigger pages, and I think that the writing is a little confusing. The world building in this one happens as you go along, and there’s a lot of me saying “what the hell does that mean?”. I also spent a bit of time just going to blogs to cheer.

11:00 pm (Hour 15) – I think I’ve entered official Procrastination Territory. I’ve watched tivo’ed shows (After the Runway) and just surfed the web. Tucked the Husband into bed (he’s waking up at 5am for a bike ride in MA). Read 26 pages. On page 114 of Sword of Fire and Sea. Maybe I need to switch books for a bit?

12:00 pm (Hour 16) – Ahhhhh!!! I’ve totally been procrastinating! Lollygagging on twitter.. staring at the TBR trying to figure out what book would be lighter fare. Also the kitty, who has slept for most of the day, has reached his peak awake time and has been .. well… bouncing off the walls and being a furry jackass. But I’ve chosen A Weekend with Mr Darcy by Victoria Connelly to read for the next bit.  It seems lighter reading that Sword of Fire and Sea at the moment, and the font is nice and big, and my eyes need big right now.

2:00 am (Hour 18) – Shockingly, I’m still awake. I’ve read another 106 pages. Switching to something lighter was a good idea. A Weekend with Mr. Darcy is set at a small Jane Austen convention, and there’s a lot of general Austen gushing amongst the characters. I think it would appeal to people who love being unabashed fans of Jane Austen (and of romance in general), because this book is very enthusiastic about defending these things. I’m digging the booknerdery. Running total = 673 pages.. Feeling tired though.

Pet Love mini-challenge

OK, I’m about to call it a night but then I saw the Pet Love minichallenge post on A Buckeye Girl reads. She asks if my pet has been a help or a hindrance. Um.. well most of the day, the cat has been sleeping next to me, but he has periodically woken up and wanted my attention and this required stabbing with claws and pulling things down and driving me slowly insane. So I can’t decide what to call this. Help? Hindrance? He’s a very complex.

He likes to get into my pictures when I try to take pictures of books. Also he HAS bitten my book covers. This does not please me.

Readathon Progress Post

This post is going to get updated all day, so check back here if you are interested in seeing how I fare throughout today’s Readathon.


470 pages read

8:00am (Hour 0) – Here we go again. I have coffee in hand and I have 20 pages to go to finish Patricia Brigg’s Wolfsbane which I started last week.

I’m already procrastinating and joining in a mini-challenge for hour 1.

1)Where are you reading from today? Westchester county, NY
2)Three random facts about me…

  1. When I was a kid we had pet chipmunks (they were called squirrels where I was, but in the US, they look like what are called chipmunks here)
  2. I have a scar on my forehead from balancing on some bricks around a garden bed and falling when I was 4 years old.
  3. My favorite color is blue.

3)How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? At least 10
4)Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? Nah, I’m going to take it easy this time.
5)If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, any advice for people doing this for the first time? Just have fun!

9:00 (Hour 1) – I’ve read 30 pages and finished Wolfsbane by Patricia Briggs. I’ve updated goodreads and paperbackswap and I’ve been playing with html so I can get a progress bar (see above). Now I have to go find my copy of  The Thief so I can start that next.

10:00 (Hour 2) – Um.. I was on twitter, then replied to comments, found The Thief, but for reading – I have actually been researching something for work. 😛 I suppose rereading the same 15-20 pages in a reference book may count as reading? I’m also watching The Husband run around as he’s getting ready to drive up to Vermont for The Tour of the Battenkill and ‘helpfully’ asking if he packed this or that.

12:00 (Hour 4) – I took a break to eat something, say good-bye to The Husband, more tweeting. Read 50 pages of The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. Liking it you guys.

2:00 (Hour 6) – Had some lunch, took a shower, had tea and biscuits, read 75 more pages of The Thief. I really am taking it easy this time. Am considering doing laundry..

3:00 (Hour 7) – Not really sure where the time goes. I only read 20 more pages. I guess I was cleaning up the apartment a little bit and checking if the laundry room is free (it’s not).

5:00 (Hour 9) – Well I’m on page 178 of The Thief, so I’ve read uh, 33 more pages in 2 hours. This is pretty bad eh. I don’t know what it is, but I’m SO ANTSY this readathon! I have done my laundry. Folded. Had dinner. Talked to the husband on the phone (he reached Vermont fine). Cleaned the bathroom some more. Feeling a bit more like I can sit and read now though. Maybe.

7:00 (Hour 11) – Is it seriously 7? Yikes. So… I vacuumed. I know, there is something wrong with me! I need to stop cleaning and read! *slaps self*. In other news, the sister called so that was a good half hour taken away from reading time. And I watched an episode of Empty Nest. Another half hour. I read 30 more pages of the book.

9:00 (Hour 13) – Just past halfway! I have finished The Thief! I guessed part of the ending but I still liked how it went. And I read the 16 pages of extras in my copy (loving the book recommendations by the author!) So now I’ve read 88 more pages, for a total of 326. Hey, getting better there.

12:00 (Hour 16) – Finished Calamity Jack, a graphic novel by Shannon & Deal Hale, illustrated by Nathan Hale. 144 pages, so still going.

1:00 (Hour 17) – I’ve been having cuddle time with the cat. He’s on top of me right now, with his face in my neck. Luckily I have a laptop and don’t need to see the keys to type. For the past hour I’ve just been surfing the net. I’m tired and I have to get up tomorrow and work. I think the idea of that has made my mind not fully engaged in the readathon this time. Oh well. I’m off to bed!

Readathon Progress Post

8:00 Here we go again. I’m up and I have my coffee. This is all I can say for now.

9:06 I’m about 56 pages into GLIMMERGLASS by Jenna Black. It’s about a girl who is fed up with her alcoholic mother so decides to go live with her long lost father – who is a Fae that lives in Avalon, in England. The first chapter was OK, but after that, I noticed how dense the heroine, Dana is. She’s the narrator and her first reaction to adverse change  is deny it. Hey someone seems to be kidnapping me, but let’s reason why this can’t be so. Or I should scream now, but I’ll momentarily hesitate because I noticed my captor is hot.

Meanwhile I’ve been entertaining the cat who is in the NOTICE ME HUMAN phase of the day. And my husband came out and got his birthday present (which fits his proclivity for bikes and the color black).

10:13 The heroine is still annoying me. Page 116. She’s being hidden in some underground room and because there’s chamber pots and candles instead of electricity and facilities, she is overwhelmed and begins to cry. Young good looking guy is comforting her. My eyes are rolling all over the place.

10:29 Breaking for a bit. I went to write comments on other people’s posts and update twitter.

Also Mini-challenge for hour 3 – a “creative a six-word celebration of Dewey’s Read-a-Thon”. I’m going to go with:

“Booknerds of the world, read on!”

11:11 am Still on GLIMMERGLASS, but on page 134 now. I took a long break in the last hour so I’ve been reading for about 2 hours and 10 minutes out of the past 3 hours I think. Still think the heroine is TSTL. The Mister made pancakes out of this mix (mo’s bacon chocolate chip). It was most excellent. The bacon is in very small pieces in the chocolate chips and just add a bit of saltiness to it. It doesn’t overwhelm the pancakes with bacon. I think my husband is all kinds of fantastic for making breakfast on HIS birthday.

1:00pm Page 234 of GLIMMERGLASS. Glad to say that the heroine has gotten a lot better. I think in the past 100 pages she started to act less foolish so I haven’t felt annoyed. Wish the book had started out that way. I also like the secondary characters around her a lot more. There’s also a scene where she’s talking to her alcoholic mother which I felt was true to life (her mom sounds normal, maybe a little sleepy, but she’s really drunk).  I’d say in the past 5 hours I’ve been reading for.. 4 hours maybe? Sounds about right.

Wearing my Pulp t-shirt to go along with my reading.. cat is quietly sleeping next to me on the couch.

2:25pm Finished GLIMMERGLASS! Overall I think I found it OK. The second half was much better than the first, although there was a evil villain scene in there that was sort of predictable. Feels very much like a set up book overall. I’ve been thinking about how her mom’s alcoholism was portrayed. I think there are parts that I could agree with but also parts that I didn’t think got it quite right. I’ll save it for the review. In the meantime, I guess I’ve been reading for 5 hours now. Total – 294 pages.

4:00pm I took a bit of a break after finishing GLIMMERGLASS to get my mind ready for another book. And I checked my mail and a chapbook of the first three chapters of The Heir of Night that I won from the author, Helen Lowe had arrived. It’s a fantasy story that I was eying. I started reading it. I’m about 50 pages (these are mini pages) in. I’m liking it so far, and the Robin Hobb blurb on the chapbook’s cover is a plus. It’s set in a fantasy-type world with what seems to be a bunch of Houses who have a history of warfare against what they call The Swarm. This book centers on a young girl named Malian, the heir to the house of Night. It’s interesting what’s being dropped as hints – seems like these people didn’t really originate from this world (called the Haarth) – they fled there. Also there seems to be an equality in the sexes – heroes of legend are both male and female. Must go buy this book..

Totals – 50 pages of Heir of Night chapbook.  344 pages all together today. 6 hours of reading (ish).

6:00pm In the past two hours I finished the chapbook (another 12 pages), and started Killbox by Ann Aguirre (6 pages in). But all the reading and staying in one place was getting to me and my husband wanted to go for a walk so we went out. To Barnes and Noble and then Target. I looked for The Heir of Night but they didn’t have it. :\  So total is 362 pages read and probably something like 6.5 hours of reading in .. what is this, hour 10? Yeah. And now I’m probably going to have dinner! 😀

8:00pm Still haven’t been reading. We decided to go out for food (curb side takeout from Outback). I think the Mister’s birthday trumps the readathon

Mid event survey!!

1. What are you reading right now?  Killbox by Ann Aguirre
2. How many books have you read so far? 1 and a bit
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? Hmm, Killbox!
4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day? I just let people know what I was doing, but I didn’t really free it all up because it is the Husband’s birthday and I feel OK taking long breaks to do birthday stuff.
5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? see above
6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? That I’m not sick of reading yet! (Although.. I haven’t been reading for 4 hrs..heh)
7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? Nope! It’s pretty great right now.
8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year? Nothing differently
9. Are you getting tired yet? Not yet! Ask me in a couple of hours.
10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered? Take breaks, read shorter books (YA, graphic novels, design books)

9:00pm OK back to reading. Read about 54 pages of Killbox now. Can’t discuss the plot since this is the 4th book of this series and I don’t want to spoil. So.. 7.5 hours of reading total. 416 pages read in all.

10:00 pm Now on page 86 of Killbox. 8 hours, 20 minutes of reading? 448 pages read.

11:00 pm Page 130 of Killbox. I may take another break, not sure. 9 hours, 10 minutes of reading altogether I think. 492 pages read.

12:12am Page 164 of Killbox. I read for half an hour, then went and commented on some book blogs, and then spent time with the cat and his game of “Throwing Ducky in the air and if it falls off the couch, stare at it until the human gets it for me.” I’m getting tired, but at least I’m not rereading pages because I’m too tired to figure out what the words mean. I’ve had half a bottle of Cherry Coca-Cola Zero.  526 pages read total. 9 hours, 40 minutes of reading all together.

2:00am Took another bit of a break there. Now on page 220 of Killbox. Still interested and not having a problem reading even though I’m getting tired. Not sure how long I’m going to last. 10 hours, 40 min of reading. 582 pages read in total.

My cat just bit through the cover of Killbox. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

3:30am Yep, still up! On page 285 now. So uh… 12 hours of reading? and 647 pages in total. I’m about 70 pages away from the end of the book. Debating if I want to stay up or just go to bed.. More because I don’t want to mess up my sleep schedule for Monday rather than feeling tired. Hmm. Ponder.

5:00am OK finished the book. 353 pages it was. SO: 13 and a half hours of reading, 715 pages read in total. 2 books finished, plus a chapbook. I think I’m going to bed now! 😀

It’s back, and I’m ready.. the 24-Hour Readathon

Alright. The second 24-Hour readathon for this year is happening this weekend (October 9th). It’s also my husband’s birthday, but he understands. I’m letting him ride his bike all day, he’s letting me read. We may go out for cake and a movie in there, we’ll see.

But for the readathon (I’m excited. It’s like a holiday! for reading!), the plan is:


WORDPRESS & LIVEJOURNAL – One post with updates as I go along like I usually do. This will hopefully not irritate people on the RSS reader with many posts on one day.

TWITTER – @janicu


Scott Pilgrim graphic novels I have all of them waiting for me. I think that they’ll be something lighter that I’ll be able to concentrate on even when tired, for when it’s 2am and I’m about to die. I am really not a all-nighter person.

Killbox by Ann Aguirre – I think it’s time I read this and I think it will be as exciting to read as I expect so that will keep me going.

Glimmerglass by Jenna Black and Firelight by Sophie Jordan – I’ve gotten smarter about readathons. YAs are the way to go so I have a couple that were on the TBR that are possibilities.

There are other possibilities. The TBR is a vast thing.


Lots of tea. And coffee. Candy of some kind. Fruit. Meals to be determined.



Anyone else planning to do this? If you can’t this weekend, there’s another one coming up – the Halloween Read-A-Thon hosted by  Lesley at Young Adult Books Reviewed. It’s on the weekend of October 15-17



Readathon Progress post

I’m also on twitter

7:50 – I’m up and I have my coffee. The cat was really happy to see me this morning. Still waiting for the coffee to kick in. Cat is intent on destruction to get noticed.  Too sleepy to care.

9:50 – (nearing end of hour 2) – finished Before The Storm by Marian Perera which I’d been reading on and off since Tuesday. I had probably 70-80 pages to read to the end when I started this morning. Not bad. Coffee is almost finished.  Pondering a late breakfast. Cat is bouncing off the walls.

11:00 (start of hour 4) I breaked for a bit – breakfast and spent some time commenting on other people’s blogs and twitter. Cat went into his basket! It’s suddenly so much quieter now! I have started into Diana Rowland’s Blood of the Demon which is another book I was in the middle of this week. I got about 30 pages read so now 118 pages into the book. Deciding if I want to get out of my PJs. Uh oh.. cat left basket.

For the Kick Off of Champions Mini-challenge: what I’m surrounded by is boring. I’m on the couch, with a pillow for my back. To my right is a coffee table with my netbook & my laptop, an empty coffee cup and empty bowl of what once held chorizo and eggs with salsa. And on the couch I have my book and a textbook and some notes for work.

12:00 (Start of hour 5) – Breaking again. Having a lunch snack and changed out of my jammies. Now I’m minty clean too. And the Cat is still sleeping in his basket. Surely resting for when he will be keeping me up later.

Read up to pg 150 of Blood of the Demon by Diana Rowland. Good so far. It’s a police procedural with a urban fantasy shell – the protagonist is a detective with the ability to summon demons. I’m not sure who the killer is yet which is good since I’m halfway through.

I forgot to say something about the last book I finished – Before The Storm by Marian Perera – I read it because the author was Sri Lankan and I grew up in Sri Lanka. Plus I liked her blog and the excerpt sounded really good. The book is about what amounts to a courtesan who gets gifted to her master’s enemy and she and this enemy don’t know why. It’s a fantasy with a slow moving romance and lots of battles and maneuvering between enemy factions. I also thought there was an interesting thread throughout the book concerning the extremes of vice and of piousness.

2:45pm – almost the start of hour 8? – I am now 180 pages into Blood of the Demon which is only 30 pages of progress since 3 hours ago.   I was taking breaks and not reading too much but then I also got asked to pick up my sister at her boyfriend’s house so that took 1.5 hours of my time, but hey, I went outside and it’s a lovely day plus I spent a bit of time with the lil sis.

4:00pm – starting hour 9 – Now 232 pages into Blood of the Demon so back to reading at a better pace. Have a bit of a headache – took a pill. Time for another snack! 🙂 Husband is staring at me right now. Weirdo.

5:00pm – start of hour 10 – 282 pages in Blood of the Demon. The protagonist, Kara Gillian did something rash and I’m a little agog at her. Meanwhile possible love interest has been acting kinda.. fishy. Like he’s a lot more than he says he is. Anyway.. interesting things are afoot.

6:00pm – 312 pgs into BotD. I just calculated my running total and it’s 294 pages give or take. I’m going to take yet another break now.

8:00pm – Still 312 pages into BotD. I just took a 2 hour break for dinner and hanging out with the Husband. We took a walk and ate somewhere.And the Cat has awakened and he’s bouncing around again (he’s been strangely ANGELIC this readathon).

Mid-Event Survey:
1. What are you reading right now? – Blood of the Demon by Diana Rowland
2. How many books have you read so far? Two
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia
4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day? I just told people what I was up to and I made a munchie run yesterday so I’d have snack supplies. Also told my mom who always calls to do something on the weekends what I was doing.
5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? Yes, my sister needed a ride so that took an hour. Plus my Cat often interrupts. Such is life. I take it as a reason for a break.
6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? I think I’m better prepared this second time, with food and pacing myself.
7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? It would be nice to have cheerleaders JUST for twitter.
8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year? I think I’d go to sleep a bit earlier the night before. I didn’t take into account excitement keeping me up when I went to bed last night.
9. Are you getting tired yet? I’m a bit tired but not too bad.
10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered? Going outside for a break and walking around does wonders.

Turns out that my two hour break fulfilled a mini-challenge – the Get Up and Move challenge so I’m posting a picture I took of the flowering tree outside (also of my cat’s BELLEH. Just because):

11:00pm (start of hr 16?) – Finished Blood of the Demon – the cat is on top of me right now so I can’t move to check number of pages. Started The Alchemy of  Stone. I didn’t have any expectations of this book – just that I heard it’s good.  Surprising. The main character is an automoton and it’s got a steam-punky aspect to the story, but I feel like it’s in this innocent kind of world. Or maybe that’s what my impression is because the focus is on the automoton who has this simplistic kind of world outlook? I can’t explain it. Anyway, the book has pretty writing. I’m only 30 or so pages in.

Had to tuck the Husband into bed (he’s got a cycling race early in the morning). Now it’s me and the cat who is SLEEPING ON THE JOB. What the hell kitty? Keep me awake!

12:00 (start of hour 17) – Secret weapon is finally UP! Yes, he was sleeping on my legs when he started CLAWING AT THEM. So now I’m fully awake thinking about neosporin and how we really should cut his nails ASAP.  I’m totally awake though. For 12 am.

Blood of the Demon was a total of 369 pages and now 65 pages into The Alchemy of Stone so the running total is now 416-ish. I think. I can’t do math at 12am.

1am (hour 18 begins) – I STILL LIVE!!! 100 pages into The Alchemy of Stone – well I’m really wondering if there was one trigger why the automoton (Mattie) really seems to hate her maker. There’s this weirdness about it. Like sort of hinting but not outright saying it.

Anyway. I want to take another break. Not sure what to do with myself though.

2am (hour 19 begins!) – I huuuggge wave of tiredness just washed over me after 1:30. I was taking a break anyway by having a snack and checking twitter and blogs. So this past hour = break. I read 6 pages. 😛 I’m also watching I Love You Man on mute because I don’t want to wake up the Husband.

Total pages read = uhhh.. 6+35+416 is what.  457.

3am (hour 20 begins? seriously?) – OK this is where I begin to question why I’m still up. Surely this is stubborn idiocy. What is going to happen to my sleep cycle next week?

Anyway. I just brewed some decaf for myself because I don’t want to be jittery but maybe I can fool my body into thinking it’s got some caffiene. And I read 8 whole pages this hour. The rest of the time? I have no idea what I was doing. Procrastinating from reading apparently.

3:40 – read 16 more pages. Mm, too tired to really enjoy the book so I am going to bed!

Gameplan for 24-hour readathon, April 10th 2010

It’s always difficult when you have a blog mirrored in three places – you are always editing posts in three places and then when you find a typo! Argh! So for the readathon (which involves many updates in a day), this is my plan:

  • WORDPRESS: I put down the wordpress blog down for the readathon so I think I have to put my updates in that. I’ll do the same thing as I did last year which is to have one post that day which I’ll edit with the hourly/somewhat hourly progress.
  • LIVEJOURNAL : Last year there were a lot of livejournal people on my friends page that I followed along for the readathon so I think I’m going to TRY to also update livejournal at the same time (let’s see how tired of editing two blogs I’ll get) and I’ll be reading my friendslist for LJ people’s progress. Same thing – one post so people won’t get spammed.
  • TWITTER: well I’m always on twitter so.. usual place: @janicu


  • Blood of the Demon by Diana Rowland  – I’ve already started reading this one and want to keep reading it. I keep getting interrupted!
  • The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia – I borrowed this from the library for calico_reaction’s April Challenge book pick and I WILL READ THIS BY MAY!!
  • The Godstalker Chronicles by P.C. Hodgell – estara gave me a copy of this book to read ages ago and it’s episodic, so I’ll read for a bit, put it down, then read for a bit later. Need to get a good chunk read.

Those were the top 3. But I’ve decided to be a little smarter this year. I have a couple of YAs and anthologies on the sidelines which can be used when my eyes are getting blurry and I need something shorter to read. I also just bought a bunch of books at B&N so there is no shortage of books to read.

Food is very important for long stretches of lying on the couch/bed/draped across a chair reading. I have read this excellent post with a readathon snack coach’s suggestions and this is my tentative list. No, I probably couldn’t eat this all. I’m just saying I’m PREPARED! Yep. 🙂

  • Coffee – I need this every morning anyway
  • Tea & diet coke – for when I’m not drinking coffee
  • Bananas
  • hummus and rice chips
  • chorizo and eggs (if there is any left over from today)
  • chocolate – Andes Creme de Menthe thins
  • Sensible lunch and dinner
  • yogurt – cherry
  • Gummy worms – sour!
  • almonds – I have Planters Flavor Grove Chili Lime flavored ones
  • cheese wedges


  • Cat – ninja kitty will deploy by jumping on my stomach in opportune moments so I will stay awake. He does this anyway.
  • Spearmint Shampoo & Bodywash – Hopefully this will awaken me. Although last time the above cat tried to eat my hair.